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After ten years of professional talk therapy, I have found a type of support that I need. Only two self-care consults in and I have felt my internal monologue changing because of the positive, human and reachable-yet-radical thoughts and words that Brittney models with herself and with her clients. By talking with a real person who is taking real steps to take real care of themselves moment by moment, I am learning to do it for myself. I can't say enough good things. True transformational healing happens here. 

--B. Gran (individual self care consulting client,  April 2019)

I have thought about [your self-care presentation] every day since and I'm so glad I attended! Thank you so much for taking the time to spread your love and compassion for others, it means so much! Your presentation was wonderful and I wish there were more Brittney Enin's in this world 'cause Lord knows we need them!! 

--A. Visco (Self-care 101 workshop Participant, September 2017)

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